Dr. Thomas Anker’s medical practice website is at: www.omicwellness.com

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My Mission: Evolve Healthcare

My approach to medicine is slow, methodical and never rushed. I incorporate an intimate approach to your care–embracing a classic definition of what it means to be a physician and healer in the community while also utilizing modern technologies and labs to provide the best current evidence-based medical care.

My focus is primary care from pediatric to geriatric care. I utilize natural methods including nutrition, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes to guide a patient toward optimal health and balance. I also use traditional prescription pharmaceuticals only when necessary and if possible, for a limited amount of time. I prefer patients not be burdened with pills and interventions, rather, that they live life in the most natural way possible.

The practice is small and intimate with a limited number of patients so that I may provide the attention needed for careful and meticulous care. I am board certified in Family Medicine and trained with an emphasis on Integrative Health.




2930 Freeport Blvd.

Sacramento, California

(888) 773-0339


Office Hours

M-F 9-5 & Sat 10-2

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